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/ Assassins - Ultimate CD Games Collection 4 / Assassins 4 (1999)(Weird Science).iso / extra_memory_needed1 / demos / trappedii / sounds / teleport.raw < prev    next >
Unknown  |  1997-02-14  |  4KB

This file was not able to be converted.

Program Identifications
ConfidenceProgramIdentificationMatch Type
66% dexvert QRT Ray Tracer Bitmap (qrt) ext
10% dexvert Truevision Targa Graphic (tga) magic
1% dexvert KryoFlux Raw Stream (kryoFluxRawStream) ext
100% file Targa image data - Mono (1791-259) 1023 x 257 x 1 +1536 +255 "�" default
99% file PDP-11 UNIX/RT ldp default
98% file data default
100% TrID Cardwar Cards deck default